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Teacher Guide / Instructions

Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of being of a noun:

• big - They bought a big house.

• small - She found a small kitten in her garden.

• fast - The car wasn't fast, but it was reliable.

• happy - We were happy to see you yesterday.

• dangerous - It is dangerous to drive while it's snowing.

They can describe the quantity of a noun: many, few, hundreds, some

• There are many girls in the class.

• She had two scoops of ice-cream.

They can describe the possession of a noun: my, his, her, our, their

• Please put the book in my schoolbag.

• Their family is going skiing next weekend.

Placement: Adjectives almost always go before the noun they are describing.

• We had a delicious dinner together.

• Frank is a talented singer.

Exception: with linking verbs (be, look, feel, etc.) the adjective can go after the verb.

• The picture is beautiful.

• She felt happy after she won the competition.

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Teacher Guide

Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of being of a noun:

• big - They bought a big house.

• small - She found a small kitten in her garden.

• fast - The car wasn't fast, but it was reliable.

• happy - We were happy to see you yesterday.

• dangerous - It is dangerous to drive while it's snowing.

They can describe the quantity of a noun: many, few, hundreds, some

• There are many girls in the class.

• She had two scoops of ice-cream.

They can describe the possession of a noun: my, his, her, our, their

• Please put the book in my schoolbag.

• Their family is going skiing next weekend.

Placement: Adjectives almost always go before the noun they are describing.

• We had a delicious dinner together.

• Frank is a talented singer.

Exception: with linking verbs (be, look, feel, etc.) the adjective can go after the verb.

• The picture is beautiful.

• She felt happy after she won the competition.


Teacher Guide

Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of being of a noun:

• big - They bought a big house.

• small - She found a small kitten in her garden.

• fast - The car wasn't fast, but it was reliable.

• happy - We were happy to see you yesterday.

• dangerous - It is dangerous to drive while it's snowing.

They can describe the quantity of a noun: many, few, hundreds, some

• There are many girls in the class.

• She had two scoops of ice-cream.

They can describe the possession of a noun: my, his, her, our, their

• Please put the book in my schoolbag.

• Their family is going skiing next weekend.

Placement: Adjectives almost always go before the noun they are describing.

• We had a delicious dinner together.

• Frank is a talented singer.

Exception: with linking verbs (be, look, feel, etc.) the adjective can go after the verb.

• The picture is beautiful.

• She felt happy after she won the competition.

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Primary School
Intermediate School
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