On the friday afternoon of our summer camp we hold a Camp Fair. This is always a big hit with the students and a great way to end the week. Here's the detailed teacher guide to plan this activity, and some colourful signs to print for each fair 'station'.
We get our older students working throughout the week on creative construction: using cardboard and recycled materials and a lot of colourful paint to build fun camp games. We challenge them to run the stands (in English) and be responsible for collecting payment (fake camp currency) and awarding prizes and team points.
Make sure to play some fun music throughout the fair and take plenty of photos and videos to include it in your end of camp slideshow. We circulate as the students move station to station and encourage them to use English at all times. It becomes a great roleplaying scenario for real shopping as well as a lot of fun.
We use these giant posters (can be printed as size A0) as group flags for our big challenge groups at summer camp. We award points for which team decorates their poster the best.
A fun way to do this is to set the poster and paints (or big markers) at one end of a playing field or hall and have the teams lined up at the other end, relay style. Blow a whistle for the first student from each team to race up and start painting their poster however they like. After a minute blow the whistle again and the next student has a turn, and so on. It makes this activity very exciting and ensures no one gets left out.
After the posters are dry, display them proudly in the group challenge area to mark meeting spots for each group. Bring them to the front for your final show and when you announce challenge winners.
We love to end our summer camp with a big show. Each student group shows off some of what they've learned with an entertaining, dramatic play or film. We also prepare a slideshow of photos and videos of the camp activities and the students receive their certificate and completed workbook. The students perform the pop song and any other cultural dances they have learned. It's a wonderful celebration of all the great times they've had at summer camp.
As a fun arts and crafts activity a few days before the camp show, we have the students decorate these fairy tale themed invitations. We print them on card and make sure we've done at least one colourful example for inspiration. While they work, it is a great time to sing camp songs and enjoy a food treat.
One student thinks of a person, place, animal or object. The students then rotate around the table each getting one 'yes' or 'no' question to try to guess what it is. If the students ask 20 questions in total, and still don't know the answer, the student wins.
Using an elaborate and complex range of vocabulary, the student is to write a factual piece of writing, detailing a day in her/his life. The writing is to be structured following the daily routine of the student, beginning with waking up and having breakfast and finishing at the end of the day.
The student MUST use the following words/phrases: habitually, sustain, routinely, dedicate time, clockwork, penultimate and consecutive.
Have the student(s) tell a story using story cubes or other visual prompts for inspiration. Write the following expressions on the white-board: before, when, then, while, after, it wasn't until, finally, during, immediately, first of all, whenever, as soon as. Work together to tell a story. Encourage the student(s) to use each expression. Cross them out after they have been used.
Have students answer the following questions to practice using modal verbs for ability:
Can you hold your breath for 1 minute? Can you ski? Can you do a card trick? What are some special things can you do? What are some things you wish you could do? Do you wish you could fly? Do you wish you could live in a different country?
Pretend you went to the supermarket and say what you bought. The next student repeats what was said before and adds something else to the list. To make it more difficult the next student must use the last letter from the previous food item for their food item.
Divide your class into two (or more) teams to play this adjective elimination game.
One at a time, students come to the front of the room. (If possible, you may want to put some type of divider between the students so neither person can see what the other writes.) To play one round, show the two students (and your class) a picture. For the next sixty seconds, each person must write down as many adjectives to describe the picture as he or she can think of. At the end of the minute, have students compare their lists. Any word both students listed gets crossed off. Each student gets one point for every remaining adjective and minus one point for every word which is not an adjective for their team. Continue until everyone has had a turn up front. The team with the most points wins the game.
Give each student a photo of a superhero. They are to give three fitting adjective clues to their classmates. The first classmate to guess the person correctly wins a point. The student with the most points wins.
Each student is given a picture of an animal. Then, using a deck of adjective cards, is given 4 cards. The teacher puts the remaining cards in a deck, and turns one card over to begin the discard pile. Each turn, the student must choose one card (either from the deck or the card that's on top in the discard pile) and discard one. The student who finds 4 adjective cards that describes their picture is the winner.
Split the class into two teams. Have the students invent crazy team names. Flip a coin to decide which team will go first. The first team says an adjective, and second team must respond with that adjective's opposite. If they are correct, no points are awarded. Then, team 2 sends an adjective to team 1. If they are incorrect, team 2 has the chance to steal the point by giving the correct answer. Continue alternating teams until one team has earned a set number of points. They are the winners.
Have students cut out opposite strips, and weave them through the anchor page. Decorate with markers, and gently pull the strips to discuss adjective comparisons.
Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of being of a noun:
• big - They bought a big house.
• small - She found a small kitten in her garden.
• fast - The car wasn't fast, but it was reliable.
• happy - We were happy to see you yesterday.
• dangerous - It is dangerous to drive while it's snowing.
They can describe the quantity of a noun: many, few, hundreds, some
• There are many girls in the class.
• She had two scoops of ice-cream.
They can describe the possession of a noun: my, his, her, our, their
• Please put the book in my schoolbag.
• Their family is going skiing next weekend.
Placement: Adjectives almost always go before the noun they are describing.
• We had a delicious dinner together.
• Frank is a talented singer.
Exception: with linking verbs (be, look, feel, etc.) the adjective can go after the verb.
• The picture is beautiful.
• She felt happy after she won the competition.
Have each student create a list of questions about 'how often' a person might do an activity. Ex: "How often do you brush your teeth," or "How often do you travel to space?" Have the students 'interview' one another, then present their answers to the class.
Give students an adjective and a noun - "happy dog". Challenge the students to see how many adverbs they can think of to describe the phrase. Ex: Happy dog -- 'Always very happy dog,' 'Constantly happy dog,' 'cheerfully happy dog' 'unbelieveably happy dog,' etc. Encourage students to try to make the longest adverb chain possible.
An adverb is a word that modifies:
An adjective
• I was very hungry after the football match.
•It was quite windy out today.
A verb
• The traffic moved slowly.
• I will go to the supermarket tomorrow.
Another adverb
• The race finished too quickly.
• They almost always go to the park on the weekend.
A clause
• They arrived before the concert ended.
• When this class is over, they'll be going back home.
Adverbs tell us:
• when - She always wakes up early.
• how - He dances gracefully.
• where - She went skiing North of the city.
• in what way - She played the guitar slowly.
• to what extent - It's really hot today.
Students are divided into suspects and alibis and they have to describe a story of where they were at the time of the crime. They are then questioned separately. You can make this more specific to Past Continuous by only allowing the detectives to ask questions about the time of the murder, e.g. “What were you talking about?” and “Where was the waitress standing?”
An affix is added to the root of a word to change its meaning or its part of speech.
Common noun suffixes -
• -er: teacher, dancer, worker
• -or: translator, investigator
• -ment: engagement, encouragement
• -ness: cleanliness, readiness, willingness
• -tion: invitation, explanation
• -ee: attendee
• -ance: annoyance
Common adjective suffixes -
• -al: punctual, nocturnal, inspirational
• -able: reliable, likable, durable
• -an: Victorian, Mediterranean, magician
• -ary: visionary, dictionary, arbitrary
• -ful: beautiful, restful, harmful
• -ive: attentive, passive, supportive
• -less: careless, meatless, meaningless
• -ant: defiant, abundant, arrogant
Common prefixes -
anti-, mid-, trans-, inter-, extra-, hyper-, auto-, over-
• anti- antibody, antistress, antiestablishment
• mid- midway, midmorning, midwife
• trans- transatlantic, transcontinental, translation
• inter- intercity, interior, interconnected
• extra- extraordinary, extracurricular, extraterrestrial
• hyper- hyperbole, hyperventilate, hyperextend
• auto- automatic, automobile, autopilot
• over- overcompensate, overwhelmed, overbite
Common negative prefixes - dis-, il-, im-, non-, un-, ir-
• dis- dissatisfied, disinterested, distant
• il- illegal, illusion, illustrate
• im- imperfect, immobile, impossible
• non- non-negotiable, non-profit, nonreligious
• un- unbelievable, undesirable, unthinkable
• ir-irreversible, irreverent, irregular
Have students imagine there has been an alien takeover. Ask them what they think the aliens would do to change life on earth. Would they bring improvements or destruction to the planet? Students should develop an argument with three key points, then have a debate.
Brainstorm a list of 10 adjectives that can be used to describe people. Ask the students to write 5 sentences comparing members of their own family. Ex: My dad is taller than my mum. I am more beautiful than my dog. etc.
This colourful and cute card is designed to be printed and displayed in your classroom. It is very useful as a reference guide to help students spell out words, checking that they are using the correct pronunciation of each letter of the English alphabet. The adorable animal pictures help brighten up your classroom and can extend your students' vocabularies.
Sing the alphabet together. Repeat it in a variety of ways (fast, slow, silly, serious, loudly, quietly) so they can enjoy repeating it until it starts to become familiar.
Have the students imagine what life was like for their grandparents or their great-grandparents. Talk about how the lives of their ancestors could have been, then have the students compare/contrast this lifestyle with their own lives.
These adorable flashcards are great for lessons on animal vocabulary or the alphabet. Your students will love the pictures and have fun learning the animal words. Use them in pre-teaching, reinforcement games, as charade prompts or as a reference guide for spelling exercises. Laminate them to be able to use them over and over.
Have students match up the animal names with the correct pictures until they have filled up their bingo grids.
These flashcards are useful for quick revisions in classes as well as many fun games to help reinforce animal vocabulary. Your students will love the bright colours and cute animal picture! Use the flashcards in lessons to:
You can also print the cards and display them as colourful classroom posters.
Brainstorm a list of animals with the class. Make a list of them. Then, invite a student to choose one animal and act it out. The rest of the group will have to guess which animal they are pretending to be. Play until every student has had the chance to be an animal.
Have students colour and cut out the animal noses, attaching them to the appropriate animal.
Have students answer the following questions: if you could be any animal, what animal would you be? Where would you live? What food would you eat? Describe what you would do in a typical day.
Antonyms are words that have contrasting, or opposite, meanings.
• Fall - Rise
• Fast- Slow
• First - Last
• Heavy - Light
• Give - Receive
• Forward - Backward
• Funny - Sad
• Identical - Different
• Healthy - Sick
• Tough - Easy
Have students discuss the possible correlation between people suffering from anxiety based disorders and potentially troubling aspects of modern life - e.g constant internet connection, over-advertising, diet fads, health trends etc.
Every student has a hand of red cards of nouns. One student is the judge and plays a green adjective card. Each student with nouns cards puts down a card of their choice faced down. The judge then looks at all the cards and chooses a winner that best matches the adjective. The student whose card was picked takes the green card as a point.
Write a list of statements on the board: (e.g. The sky is purple. Hippos make great pets. Pineapple is good on pizza. Learning English is easy. I am going to visit Paris next year. )
Ask the students to rewrite each sentence, modifying it with an adverb of certainty, using either the positive or negative form.
Introduce: apparently, surely, obviously, hopefully, hypothetically, and actually.
Play 'Around the World': take a clock off the wall and use it to show different times, moving the hands. Do a competition where two students have to try and say the time correctly (reveal the clock by turning it around to face them after having changed the hand positions). Whichever student answers correctly first then moves to challenge the next student. The one who didn't 'win' sits down and waits for their next chance to beat the challenger. The 'winner' keeps moving around the room challenging the other students until they are beaten, then they sit down and the new winner continues.
Have students discuss the concept of art with you.
Some questions that you can ask are:
What is your favourite form of art, and why? What types of art are there? Why do you think art is important? Who is an artist you respect and admire? Do you have any artistic talents, such as drawing, singing, cooking or dancing?
Split the students into teams of two. One student is given a piece of paper and a pencil and must close their eyes. The other student is given a picture of an object. The student with the picture must describe the object, using as many adjectives as possible. The other student must draw what they hear, attempting to replicate what is in the picture. After about 5 minutes, the partners switch and are given a different picture.
Split the students into teams of two. One student is blindfolded, or can simply have their eyes closed, and the other is given an image of a scene. The student with the image must describe the scenario to the person who is blindfolded. The person who is blindfolded must draw the scene being described. After five minutes, give the teams a new image and have them trade roles. The students who produce the most accurate pictures will be the winners. Organise the things that will be drawn in each picture before hand, that way you can check to see how many correct items have been drawn.
An auxiliary verb - sometimes called a 'helping verb' is used together with another verb to create different tenses, moods, or voices.
'Be' is used with:
Progressive tenses
•I am going to the supermarket.
•He was reading a book before bed.
The passive voice
• I was given an award for my accomplishment.
• That song was famous for many years.
'Have' is used with:
The perfect tenses
• She has never eaten fish before.
• He had been working as a farmer before he became a football player.
'Do' is used with:
• Do you want to go to the cinema?
• Do you have a pencil I can borrow?
Negative forms
• I don't like studying Maths.
• They didn't go on vacation this year because the weather was bad.
'Modals' are used with:
The base infinitive of a verb.
• You should take an umbrella if it's raining.
• We can have a picnic on the weekend.
Have students answer the following questions as a way to get the lesson started: what's your name, age, and where are you from? Have you got any brothers or sisters? What's your favourite colour, hobby, food...etc.
Tell the students the following story: 'Yesterday, I had to go outside to speak with a parent. When I returned, I realised I should not have left the class alone! You won't believe what happened! Luigi had written his name on the wall with a black marker because two students said it would be funny. One student emptied a bottle of water onto their head because another student dared them. One student had changed the password on my computer... etc.'
Make the list as long as you can.
After you have told them the story, ask the students to remember things from the list, and recreate the list on the white board. They should remember the events using the past perfect and simple past together.
Have students discuss hobbies and why they are important. Some questions to ask the student are: What do you consider to be the benefits of having a hobby? What types of hobbies do you have? Why do you like them? Do you think you will continue these hobbies when you are an adult? If you could try a new hobby, what would you choose?
Ask students questions about their birthdays.
Some questions to ask: What did you do to celebrate your last birthday? Describe the day in as many details as possible. Whom did you celebrate with? What did you eat? What did you receive as a present? Where did you go?
Have the student write the name of their birthday month on the top of a piece of paper. Ask the student to draw things they associate with this month.
Ex: December: Christmas tree, presents, candy cane, snowman etc. (It's best if you create an example to help demonstrate to the students what they should do.)
Help the students write sentences about things that happen in their birthday month. What do people eat? What do people do? Are there any holidays?
Have students describe and write which animals live in each location.
(3 pages in arts and crafts folder.)
Teach children head, body, arm, leg, hand and foot using flashcards. Show flashcards to each student and have them point to the correct part of their own body.
Have students create their own face by cutting and sticking the eyes and noses and then drawing a mouth to complete it.
Introduce your students to simple body part vocabulary with our set of 28 easy-to-use flashcards. Perfect for teachers, these cards showcase everyday actions like "nose," "foot," "hand," and more, making them an ideal tool for classroom activities. The clear, simple visuals aid in comprehension and retention, and are suitable for learners of various levels. These cards are great for interactive games, memory recall exercises and reinforcing vocabulary in a lively, engaging manner. Whether you're leading a classroom or guiding small groups, these cards are a practical and enjoyable resource to enhance your teaching toolkit and spark enthusiasm in your English language lessons.
The teacher says a shape, letter, number, or word, and the students (in groups of 2 or more) make that word with their bodies. The first group to make it correctly gets a point.
Split the students into two teams and have them line up. The first person in each team goes to the front and sits on a chair that faces the team. You call out 2 body parts e.g. 'Hand - Shoulder', the second person in each team (who will be standing at the front of the line) must run up to the person on the chair and they must touch the two body parts you said e.g. put their hand on the person's shoulder. The first team pair to get it right wins a point.
Have students discuss their thoughts on books and reading.
What is the best book you have ever read? Who was your favourite character? What are some of the characteristics of that character? Do you feel like you can relate to them?
Extension: Have the student/s invent their own book character.
This listening and speaking exercise teaches students to listen for shapes, and work together in English. The teacher calls out a shape and the students must make the shape collectively with their bodies. If they are able to make the correct shape in 10 seconds using only English, they win a point.
Create a bucket list including all of the goals a student would like to achieve in their life. Have students ask each other questions about things they have or have not done before. "Have you ever been to a different country." The student should answer using the present perfect.
Ask the student to think of a company to represent, script a radio broadcast together advertising the chosen company and then record the broadcast.
Have students answer the following questions:
Have you got any pets? Have you ever had a cat or dog? Which do you prefer, and why? What are some of the differences between these two animals? What are some similarities?
The student is to create a character breakdown of three characters of their choice from a book they have read or a film they have watched.
Ensure the student uses the highest level of vocabulary they possibly can, strong linking expressions, persuasive language, and the correct tone. They must support their points with evidence from the book or film.
Have students colour and cut out Christmas ornaments to paste on a construction paper tree and then write a holiday message on the back of the tree, telling a story, or making a wish-list for Santa.
Have students write a holiday message on the spaces provided inside the Christmas tree. Colour and decorate the card to make a special gift.
Have students cut several coloured paper into strips and then glue them down on to another A4/A5 coloured card. Have them write a Christmas message on the strips of paper and then decorate the tree with glitter, buttons and beads.
Have students answer the following questions related to film and the cinema: How often do you go to the cinema? What is the last film you saw? Describe it in as many details as you can. Which character did you like the best? Which character did you relate to the most?
One person stands in the middle of the circle and makes a statement e.g. 'I have got a brother' or 'I like football'. Anyone for whom the statement is true must cross the circle and find a new position. The last person in a new position stands in the middle and says the next statement.
Have students imagine that their class will be going on a field trip for the spring holiday. Brainstorm possible places that the class could visit, and discuss why you think each place would be good or bad. Use modal verbs to make suggestions and talk about possibilities.
Brainstorm a list of 'superlative' categories with the class. Then, have students vote for the following class superlative categories: Who is the most athletic? Who is the tallest? Who has the best handwriting? Who is the nicest? Who is the funniest? Who has the best smile? etc. (students can only vote once for each person.)
Keep all categories positive. Read the winners of each category out loud. Make sure each student wins a category!
Have the student think and speak about the relationship between the Catholic Church and science. Ask the student to talk about what she/he knows about this relationship and how she/he thinks it has changed over time. Ask for a prediction on how this relationship will change in the near future and what this could lead to.
Brainstorm a list of superlative categories with the class. These categories should all be related to skill of ability. (E.g. Who can jump the farthest? Who is the tallest? Who can draw the most perfect circle?) Split the students into three teams. Have one student from each team compete for each category. Award teams points for good, better and best, or whatever category is listed.
Place 'classroom object' flashcards around the room in different locations. Ask each student to bring the teacher the correct flashcard and say what it is. Have students match those objects to the classroom objects on the teacher's desk (e.g. pencil, rubber, marker) Once all cards retrieved, place flashcards in different locations and repeat activity.
The student is to produce a pamphlet on climate change. They are to include a wide range of complex, subject specific vocabulary, they are to use persuasive and informative language and ensure that there are clear and defined sections with headings such as "What Can YOU Do?" "How has it come to this?" and "What happens next?"
To start, review what the colours are and point out what colours people are wearing. Put chairs in a circle, enough so that each student has their own chair. Hold up a colour card, and have all those who are wearing that colour swap seats. After the students become comfortable, take one seat away after calling the colour so that someone will not have a seat after swapping. That person is then out. Play until there is a winner.
Students stand against the wall and listen to the teacher who says "take 1 step forward if you are wearing yellow". The teacher can change the colour and the number of steps to keep the game competitive. Whoever arrives to the other side of the room first wins!
Have students answer the following questions: If you were a colour, what colour would you be, and why? What things are often associated with this colour? If your best friend was a colour, what colour would they be?
Have students discuss their favourite way(s) to communicate. Discuss all possible forms of communication - television, internet, radio, cellphones, facebook, letters, emails, Instagram, face to face conversation, etc. Ask if they use the same voice to talk through every platform. Discuss the different types of people students communicate with: Parents, teachers, friends, family members, family friends, etc. Ask students whether they communicate the same way with each of these types of people.
Here's a fun way to liven up your lesson on comparative and superlative adjectives. Students use comparative and superlative words as coordinates as they play this exciting game of battleships. It promotes a lot of reading and pronunciation practise as they repeat the words multiple times per game.
Here's a bingo card to use when reviewing comparative and superlative adjectives that also helps students pay attention to spelling. Have the students write one word from the list in each box, with no repeated words. At the same time, cut up pieces of paper or card with the same list of words. Mix them up in a bag or container and let the students take turns to pull one out randomly. Students cross out that square if they have that word. Give prizes or points for the first person to get a row, column or the whole grid.
A fun project to do with your students studying comparative adjectives. It includes 20 colourful animal profiles with cute pictures and a fact table for each animal. The students read the information and use it to make comparisons between pairs of animals. For example "Snakes live longer than mice" or "cows are taller than lions". Enjoy the extra questions and conversations these cards will encourage!
Discover a fun and easy way to understand comparative and superlative adjectives with our engaging guide. Packed with clear examples, it shows how to compare things using the word intelligence in everyday language, making learning grammar simple and enjoyable for everyone.
Discover a fun and easy way to understand comparative and superlative adjectives with our engaging guide. Packed with clear examples, it shows how to compare things using the word strange in everyday language, making learning grammar simple and enjoyable for everyone.
Discover a fun and easy way to understand comparative and superlative adjectives with our engaging guide. Packed with clear examples, it shows how to compare things using the word fast in everyday language, making learning grammar simple and enjoyable for everyone.
Discover a fun and easy way to understand comparative and superlative adjectives with our engaging guide. Packed with clear examples, it shows how to compare things using the word tall in everyday language, making learning grammar simple and enjoyable for everyone.
Discover a fun and easy way to understand comparative and superlative adjectives with our engaging guide. Packed with clear examples, it shows how to compare things using the word happy and more in everyday language, making learning grammar simple and enjoyable for everyone.
A fantastic group game to get the whole class involved and having fun. Each group nominates a competitor for each category then cheers them on as they go up against the other groups in the ‘finals’. Plenty of chance to practice using comparatives and superlatives while having fun. Make sure to announce the winners of each challenge using the structure:
"X's jump was high, Y'x jump was higher and Z's jump was the highest!"
Brighten up your classroom with this colourful, eye-catching poster. "Good, better, best, never let it rest until the good is better and the better is best." to help get your students excited about learning comparative and superlative words.
Read about, discuss and write about the planets in the solar system using comparative and superlative adjectives. Great to reinforce this grammar topic and apply it with an interesting theme.
Here's a fun challenge to do with your students. Listen to the Daft Punk song "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" then make big posters of these words/letters:
These speaking prompt cards help students practise using comparatives and superlatives in conversations about their opinions on a range of topics and their experiences. It's all great practice for speaking exams and helps them using comparatives and superlatives more naturally in complete sentences. There are 15 questions in total, arranged on small cards that can be handed out to pairs or small groups.
These colourful speaking prompt cards help students practise using comparatives in conversations about their daily life, experiences, preferences and opinions. It's all great practice for speaking exams and helps them using comparatives more naturally in complete sentences. There are 30 questions in total, grouped into 10 themed cards that can be handed out to pairs or small groups.
This guided speaking task helps students practise using comparatives in conversations about their daily life, experiences, preferences and opinions. It's all great practice for speaking exams and helps them using comparatives more naturally in complete sentences. There are two sets and each set can be shared in a pair or small group of students.
25 fun, colourful flashcards each with a pair of objects to compare. This is a fun way to have students practise using comparatives in complete sentences. Includes instructions for a fun challenge activity to have the students 'race' to say or write a grammatically correct sentence comparing the two objects on the card.
Boost your grammar skills with our easy-to-use guide on forming comparatives and superlatives in English. It features a wide range of adjectives, from 'fast' to 'important', showing their comparative and superlative forms in a clear, straightforward manner, perfect for quick learning and reference.
Use this card to keep track of your students' progress in learning the spelling of these superlative adjectives. It includes some tricky cases and some irregular superlatives. Revisit it regularly and make a note of their results.
Ask the students some different comparative questions. For more practice, have them write the answers and compare the results.
Which do you like better, sweet or salty foods? What is faster, a fish or a shark? What is a better sport, volleyball or rugby?
Master the art of forming comparatives and superlatives in English with our straightforward guide. It simplifies the spelling rules for different adjectives, making it easier to learn and use them correctly in sentences. Ideal for anyone looking to improve their grammar skills in a practical, easy-to-follow way.
Comparatives are used to describe nouns, indicating when one noun has more of a particular quality than the other does. They are used to compare two things.
Comparatives are formed by adding +ED to the end of an adjective.
• Taller
• Softer
• Shorter
• Thinner
• Stronger
For adjectives with three or more syllables, modify the adjective by writing 'more' before it.
• More beautiful
• More intelligent
• More important
In some cases, the entire adjective changes.
• Better
• Worse
• Farther.
Some adjectives have a spelling change in the comparative form. If the adjective has a 'consonant' + 'vowel' + 'consonant' spelling, double the last letter before adding +ER
• big - bigger
• fat - fatter
•sad - sadder
If the adjective ends in 'Y', the 'Y' changes to an 'i' before adding +ER
•happy - happier
•lazy - lazier
If the adjective ends in 'E' simply add +R
•large - larger
Comparative adjectives are followed by 'than' + another noun.
•An elephant is bigger than a tiger.
•My sister is shorter than my mother.
This colourful set of 15 speaking prompts will help students practice using comparatives as they discuss a range of interesting topics. These prompts start with one comparative and need to be completed with another, hence the name "double comparatives". For example "the harder you study, the better you'll do on the test".
These colourful speaking prompt cards help students practise using comparatives in conversations about their daily life, experiences, preferences and opinions. It's all great practice for speaking exams and helps them using comparatives more naturally in complete sentences. There are 30 questions in total, grouped into 10 themed cards that can be handed out to pairs or small groups.
Split the students into pairs. Give each pair two photographs of celebrities. Have the students write a list of adjectives for each photograph. Then, have them write three sentences, comparing the two. Have students present their sentences to the class when they are finished.
Brainstorm a list of animals with the class, then split the class into pairs. Have each pair write 5 sentences comparing the animals.
E.g. A giraffe is taller than an elephant. A dog is smaller than a cow. A tiger is faster than a rabbit. etc.
This is a category game, where the students must take turns listing items in a category without hesitating or repeating what was already said. Use a clapping rhythm to add a little fun and challenge.
The teacher starts by saying this rhyme (all the while hands hit the lap, clap, and snap snap) "Concentration, concentration is a game. Keep the rhythm, keep the rhythm just the same. I go first, and you go second (looking at who is second). No repeats or hesitations. Category is....food."
Then the students take turns listing different foods, for example.
Conditional conjunctions are used to join and connect conditionals together. They provide us with the ability to express more complex and interesting ideas.
1. Unless -
Unless means 'except if' and is used with the present tense to talk about a condition in the present or future.
• We're going to the park unless the weather gets worse.
• Unless you finish your homework, you will not be able to go to the cinema.
2. In case -
'In case' shows that an action is taken to prepare for a possible event or situation.
• Make sure you have my phone number in case you get lost.
• I'll bring some extra money in case we decide to go shopping.
3. Provided/providing that/so long as -
These conjunctions are used with the present tense to talk about the future. They have a similar meaning to if.
• As long as we follow instructions, we'll complete the project on time.
• Provided that it doesn't snow, I will be able to go to the concert.
• My father says he will pick us up from the bus stop, providing we inform him of our arrival time.
4. I wish/ if only -
I wish/ if only are used to express a wish for something. They have the same meaning, but 'if only' is less common and usually stronger.
• I wish I knew the answer.
• If only my sister Mary were here!
• I wish I were as clever as you are.
5. It's time/would rather (not) -
It's time/would rather (not) are followed by the past simple with a simple present meaning.
• It's time we ate dinner now.
• I'd rather go home by taxi.
• I'd rather not go to the party tomorrow.
6. Otherwise
'Otherwise' and 'or else' mean 'because if not'
-I have to go to bed early, otherwise, I will be tired tomorrow.
-Carry the tray with both hands or else you'll drop it.
Have students answer the following questions related to the conversation.
What makes it easy to talk to someone? What traits do you look for in a conversation partner?
Tell me about your favourite types of conversations to have? What do you talk about?
Coordinating conjunctions connect items that are the same grammatical type - such as words, phrases, and clauses. They can join two: verbs, nouns, adjectives, phrases, or independent clauses.
We most commonly use: and, or, but
• Do you prefer eating pizza or pasta?
• The girl was very intelligent and very
good at sports.
• We can go to the sea but we can't go swimming today.
Some coordinating conjunctions have two parts: either/ or, neither/nor, both/and
• For our holiday vacation, we can go to either the beach or the mountains.
• Neither Jane nor Emma had been to London before.
• Both dolphins and sharks live in the ocean.