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Teacher Guide / Instructions

Comparatives are used to describe nouns, indicating when one noun has more of a particular quality than the other does. They are used to compare two things.

Comparatives are formed by adding +ED to the end of an adjective.

• Taller

• Softer

• Shorter

• Thinner

• Stronger

For adjectives with three or more syllables, modify the adjective by writing 'more' before it.

• More beautiful

• More intelligent

• More important

In some cases, the entire adjective changes.

• Better

• Worse

• Farther.

Some adjectives have a spelling change in the comparative form. If the adjective has a 'consonant' + 'vowel' + 'consonant' spelling, double the last letter before adding +ER

• big - bigger

• fat - fatter

•sad - sadder

If the adjective ends in 'Y', the 'Y' changes to an 'i' before adding +ER

•happy - happier

•lazy - lazier

If the adjective ends in 'E' simply add +R

•large - larger

Comparative adjectives are followed by 'than' + another noun.

•An elephant is bigger than a tiger.

•My sister is shorter than my mother.

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Comparatives and Superlatives
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Teacher Guide

Comparatives are used to describe nouns, indicating when one noun has more of a particular quality than the other does. They are used to compare two things.

Comparatives are formed by adding +ED to the end of an adjective.

• Taller

• Softer

• Shorter

• Thinner

• Stronger

For adjectives with three or more syllables, modify the adjective by writing 'more' before it.

• More beautiful

• More intelligent

• More important

In some cases, the entire adjective changes.

• Better

• Worse

• Farther.

Some adjectives have a spelling change in the comparative form. If the adjective has a 'consonant' + 'vowel' + 'consonant' spelling, double the last letter before adding +ER

• big - bigger

• fat - fatter

•sad - sadder

If the adjective ends in 'Y', the 'Y' changes to an 'i' before adding +ER

•happy - happier

•lazy - lazier

If the adjective ends in 'E' simply add +R

•large - larger

Comparative adjectives are followed by 'than' + another noun.

•An elephant is bigger than a tiger.

•My sister is shorter than my mother.


Teacher Guide

Comparatives are used to describe nouns, indicating when one noun has more of a particular quality than the other does. They are used to compare two things.

Comparatives are formed by adding +ED to the end of an adjective.

• Taller

• Softer

• Shorter

• Thinner

• Stronger

For adjectives with three or more syllables, modify the adjective by writing 'more' before it.

• More beautiful

• More intelligent

• More important

In some cases, the entire adjective changes.

• Better

• Worse

• Farther.

Some adjectives have a spelling change in the comparative form. If the adjective has a 'consonant' + 'vowel' + 'consonant' spelling, double the last letter before adding +ER

• big - bigger

• fat - fatter

•sad - sadder

If the adjective ends in 'Y', the 'Y' changes to an 'i' before adding +ER

•happy - happier

•lazy - lazier

If the adjective ends in 'E' simply add +R

•large - larger

Comparative adjectives are followed by 'than' + another noun.

•An elephant is bigger than a tiger.

•My sister is shorter than my mother.

Grammar Points
Primary School
Intermediate School
Comparatives and Superlatives
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