Handy reference card that can be reconstructed together with students as an anchor chart. It could also be printed and displayed as a poster in class, laminated and used as reference card to be passed around during writing tasks or even handed out to students to take home. We've grouped some common phrasal verbs together by the root verb "Fall" to help students organise their learning and break phrasal verb vocabulary up into smaller groups.
Handy reference card that can be reconstructed together with students as an anchor chart. It could also be printed and displayed as a poster in class, laminated and used as reference card to be passed around during writing tasks or even handed out to students to take home. We've grouped some common phrasal verbs together by the root verb "Fall" to help students organise their learning and break phrasal verb vocabulary up into smaller groups.
Handy reference card that can be reconstructed together with students as an anchor chart. It could also be printed and displayed as a poster in class, laminated and used as reference card to be passed around during writing tasks or even handed out to students to take home. We've grouped some common phrasal verbs together by the root verb "Fall" to help students organise their learning and break phrasal verb vocabulary up into smaller groups.