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Material Type:
Exam Practice
Present Perfect
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Teacher Guide

Have the students try to fill the gaps and then discuss the words they've chosen. If they've made a mistake, explain why it is not correct. Remind them to read the whole sentence before and after the gap to look for clues about what type of word fits.

Test Tip

1) Read through the text to get a sense of what it's about.

2) Read THROUGH the gap. This means continue reading until you've arrived to a full stop at the end of a sentence. This will help you find the context.

3) Some gaps can be filled just by referring to the immediate phrase or sentence, while other gaps require a global understanding of the text.

4) Think about what type of word is needed in the blank space. What part of speech is missing?

5) Double check to see if the word should be single, plural, past, present, etc.

6) Spelling counts!

7) Do not leave any blank spaces. If you don't know the right answer, guess.


  1. have
  2. that
  3. far
  4. some
  5. is
  6. if
  7. neither
  8. such
  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3