Do a quick review of the prepositions that the students should already know (prepositions of place): in, on, under, in front of, behind, between and next to.
Then demonstrate with classroom objects the movement of one object in relation to another. For example, move a pencil towards a drink bottle while repeating the word 'towards', then the complete sentence 'the pencil is going towards the bottle'. Similarly, demonstrate 'away from' and 'past' and 'around'. For 'into' and 'out of', use a schoolbag or other container. Even position the students around the room if possible and instruct them how to move 'Move towards the door', 'go around the table' etc.
The words 'among', 'through' and 'along' can be illustrated with simple pictures (a wolf among sheep, an arrow going through trees in a forest, and a person walking along the shore for example).
After doing plenty of examples and repeating the vocabulary with the students, have them try to complete the crossword. Each picture corresponds to one of the words or phrases in the box.
These are useful words to insert into future lessons to help the students become familiar with them.
10mins - Conversation: What is the best book you have ever read? Who was your favourite character? What are some of the characteristics of that character? Do you feel like you can relate to them?
05mins - Review the online homework. What topics were discussed? Was the homework easy, medium or difficult? Answer any questions the students may have.
05mins - Review: verbs in the simple past. Brainstorm a list with the class. Have each student give an example sentence to check for understanding.
10mins - Activity: Draw the Direction: Taking turns, students describe a drawing action using a preposition. They continue building on the same drawing until you tell them to stop. All of the sentences should contain prepositions of movement or placement that are commonly used when giving directions.
10mins - Worksheet: 11 prepositions
15mins - Test: 11 reading practice - part 3
05mins - Warm down: goodbye see you next time
00mins - Homework: complete the next section of the online homework.
1) towards
2) away from
3) against
4) across from
5.a) into
5.b) in front of
6) through
7) onto
8) past
9) around
10) off
11) along
12.a) across
12.b) among
13) out of