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Course Track:
Material Type:
Story Telling
Simple past
Past Continuous
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Teacher Guide

This worksheet is designed to practice story telling and using keywords to structure the narrative "first, then, finally". This skill is useful in general, but also in the Key for Schools Cambridge English exam writing part.

Tell the students to use the simple past tense. More advanced students might add some past continuous too.

They can use the blank box to brainstorm ideas or to sketch a 'disaster' situation they imagine could have made them late to inspire them for their story. Encourage them to be creative, imaginative and funny if they like. You can offer a reward for the most interesting story.

Have them read their stories out loud and encourage any inspired ideas. It's so important for students to have positive reinforcement for successfully communicating and expressing themselves in another language. Correct any grammatical or spelling errors after, but congratulate first!

Lesson Plan


24 Key Reading Part 4

10mins - Introduction: Speaking part 2 - write on the whiteboard 'a restaurant, at home, fast food, a picnic, and a school canteen.' Ask students if they like eating at each of these places. They must provide reasons, saying why or why not. Students will have a partner during this part of the speaking exam, so have them work together in pairs and discuss the options.

05mins - Review online homework. What topics were discussed? Was the homework easy, medium or difficult? Answer any questions the students may have.10mins - Review: for, since, until, from - ask each student to write one question using each of these words. The students should ask and record the answers of their classmates.

15mins - Test: 24 reading practice - part 4 - discuss the answers.

15mins - Test: 24 reading practice - part 5 - discuss the answers.

05mins - Warm down: what will you do this weekend?

00mins - Homework: complete the next section of the online homework.


Possible solution:

First, when I was at home this morning, the power went out, so I had to brush my teeth in the dark. Because there was no light, I couldn't find my jacket. I had to borrow my brother's.

Then, on my way to school, the bus wasn't on time. I decided it would be better to walk.

And finally, when I arrived at school, the students weren't in the classroom. They were in the canteen because there was an assembly.

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