Have the students read the passages and underline any words they are not familiar with. Discuss the three different accounts and ask questions to check how well they've understood. The students need to answer the questions below. Ask them to indicate where in the text they found the information to help them answer each one. Remind them to look out for keywords and synonyms, such as 'haven't played before' and 'just starting the game'.
10mins - Conversation: Have you ever been to a summer camp? What camp did you go to? What did you do in this summer camp? If you could choose any summer camp to attend, where would you go, and why? What are the benefits of summer camp?
05mins - Review homework - Answer any questions the students may have about the online homework.
10mins - Worksheet: 06 comparative and superlative -- finish for homework.
15mins - Activity: Comparing countries - Have students choose two different countries. Ask them to write two comparative sentences about their chosen countries. Next, give students a 'third' country, and ask them to write two superlative sentences.
15mins - Test: 06 reading practice - part 2
05mins - Warm down: Points, goodbye, see you next time!
00mins - Homework: Complete the next section of the online homework.
1) Read each of the three texts, and underline their key requirements.
2) Compare the question with the text options, and when the student has found the answer, be sure that all of the information completely matches the text.
3) Encourage students to prove that the answer cannot be found in another text option.
4) Beware of 'word-spotting' which is using one or two identical words to form a false match. Instead, focus on the meaning of the whole text.