Explain the words 'Yesterday', 'Today', and 'Tomorrow' Have the students review the order of the days of the week and then complete the table.
10mins - Introduction: Beginner questions: What's your name, how old are you, where are you from?
Choose a student to stand up, and ask the other students: What's his/her name? Where is he/she from? Where is he/she from? Repeat this process until every student has had a turn.
10mins - Review: Days of the week - review the 'days of the week song'.
10mins: Pre:teach: Today, yesterday and tomorrow. Write on the whiteboard: 'Today is ______.' See if students can answer correctly. Write a second sentence saying 'Yesterday was _______.' Use gestures or draw a picture to indicate you are talking about the past. If need be, refer to the days of the week song, stopping at the correct day to help students make a connection. Write the third sentence on the board 'Tomorrow is ______.' Indicate the future with gestures or drawing. Use the song again for reinforcement. Have students repeat all the sentences out loud.
15mins - Worksheet: 10 yesterday and tomorrow
10mins - Activity: Write the days on the week on small pieces of paper. Fold them up, and let each student 'secretly' choose a paper. Announce what day it is. The student with this day must come to the front of the class. Announce what day yesterday was. This student must stand on one side of S1. Announce what day is tomorrow. This student must stand on the other side of S1. Have each student repeat the sentence describing their day/order. E.g. S1: Today is Wednesday. S2: Yesterday was Tuesday. S3: Tomorrow will be Thursday. Repeat the game choosing a different day as 'today'. As an extension activity, ask the students to put themselves in line in the correct order. Students can only use the English question: What day have you got?
05mins - Warm down: Goodbye, see you next time + points.
Left column:
Right column: