Revise the days of the week with the students and then help them to answer the questions. They may not yet know the words 'after' 'before' 'today' 'tomorrow' 'yesterday' and 'between'. Have them read the questions out loud.
10mins: Introduction - Beginner questions: What's your name, age, and where are you from? What's your favourite animal? What's one adjective to describe that animal?
10mins: Review: Animals and adjectives - Use adjectives to describe animals. Students try to guess the animal.
10mins: Pre-teach: Days of the week - sing a 'days of the week' song.
10mins: Pre-teach: before and after - Using the 'Days of the Week' flashcards, have each student secretly choose a card. Then the students must work together to put themselves in the correct order. After the students are in order, have them use 'before' and 'after' to describe their position.
15mins: Worksheet: 04 days of the week05mins: Warm Down: Goodbye + points. Pack up supplies, help students prepare to leave and straighten up the classroom.