Review the meaning of 'I like / I don't like' then instruct the students to complete the sentences to respond to the questions. Finally they need to form their own questions in the same style. Have them read their questions out loud and, for group lessons, ask each other and respond.
10mins: Introduction - Beginner questions: What's your name, age, and where are you from? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Ask questions to each student in a circle. When a student has answered the question, they must ask the next person in the circle the same question.
Choose a student to stand up, and ask the other students: What's his/her name? Where is he/she from? Where is he/she from? Repeat this process until every student has had a turn.
05mins: Review: 'Days of the week' - Ask each student what their favourite day of the week is, and what they do on that day.
10mins: Activity: 'Put your heads together' - the teacher will call out a body part and a number, and students must form groups with the correct number of body parts. (E.g. three elbows, twenty fingers, three feet, etc.)
10mins: Pre-teach: I like - Ask students to brainstorm a list of foods together. Then, draw a smiley face next to some of the foods you like. Say 'I like ____(food).' Ask students which foods they like. Have them answer in complete sentences. Then, draw a frown-y face next to some foods you don't like. Say 'I don't like _____(food.) Ask students which foods they don't like.
10mins: Activity: Have students draw a food chart depicting foods they like and foods they don't like.
10mins: Worksheet: 20 - I like
05mins: Warm Down: Goodbye + points
Check the spelling of the answers.