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Course Track:
Year 3
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Teacher Guide

A chance to review spelling, alphabet pronunciation and numbers. It is also a first introduction to CLIL mathematics - teach the students the words for the operations "plus" "equals". Teach them the numbers 11 - 20.

Lesson Plan


28 - Year 3 Lesson plan

10mins: Introduction - Beginner questions: What's your name, age, and where are you from? Have you got any brothers or sisters? Ask questions to each student in a circle. When a student has answered the question, they must ask the next person in the circle the same question.

Choose a student to stand up, and ask the other students: What's his/her name? Where is he/she from? Where is he/she from? Repeat this process until every student has had a turn.

05mins: Review - I like/I don't like - Play 'On the line' - The teacher will indicate two lines on the floor, and have the students stand between them in a straight line. One line is 'left' and the other line is 'right'. Then, the teacher will say 'Go left if you like...' or 'go right if you like...' Students who like what the teacher has said will go to the correct line. The students who don't like what the teacher has said must stay in the middle of the two lines. After the students get the hang of the game, you can eliminate students who go the wrong direction.

05mins: Review: 'Place the ball' Ask students to place the ball in a variety of locations in the classroom. Use many different colors and objects to make the tasks more difficult. E.g. Place the ball in front of something yellow, place the ball behind a boy, etc.

10mins: Pre-teach - review numbers 1-20, and increments of 10-50. Toss the ball in a circle, counting each pass to help practice. Then, make some observations about the classroom. Use complete sentences, and review the difference between 'there is' and 'there are'. (E.g. There are 15 chairs. There is one teacher.)

10mins: Adding students. Practice addition by counting and adding students. Count two students, and add one student to the group. Then ask students how many are in the group. Play with different numbers to help students get the idea. Then, split the class into two groups. Give each group a number of pencils. Then, give them a second amount. (E.g. first number 7, second number 10) The team who counts the total number of pencils first gets a point. Continue this game until a team reaches 5 points. That team is the winner.

15mins: Worksheet: page 29 - can you count?

05mins: Warm Down: Goodbye + points


Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten

  1. three
  2. six
  3. four
  4. six
  5. two + one
  6. twenty-five
  7. thirty-two
  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3