Use this page to review previous topics: introduction questions, have got, has got, simple present verbs, days of the week, like/don't like, can for ability, the infinitive, present continuous, the verb 'to be', pronouns, prepositions, time, months and seasons. It's a good chance to do an art and craft activity, or draw a picture together then label the page with the key vocabulary already covered.
10mins: Introduction - Beginner questions 'What's your name, how old are you, where are you from, have you got any brothers or sisters? What's your favourite day of the week? What do you usually do on this day? What's one thing you like? One thing you don't like? What's one thing you can do? One thing you can't do?
05mins: Review: seasons. Draw a picture on a piece of paper that represents the four seasons. Put these pictures in different corners of the classroom. Then, say the name of a month. Students must run to the corner of the classroom that that month belongs to.
05mins: Using 'months of the year' flashcards, have students put the months in the correct order. Then, split students into pairs. Each pair will be timed putting the cards in the correct order. The pair that does it fastest are the winners.
10mins: Review: Holidays - discuss different holidays in the year. Ask students what their favourite holiday is. Identify which months the different holidays are in.
15mins: Worksheet: page 28 - 'Review Time'. Please plan a craft or creative activity to reinforce 'months'. Please remember to sign out any materials you use from the C.E. library.
10mins: Game: Review 'before' and 'after'. Then, have students stand in a circle. Use two different coloured bean bags. Indicate that one colour means 'before' and the other colour means 'after'. Say a month of the year, and toss the bean bags to two different students. They must say either the month 'before' or 'after' the month you've said, depending on the colour of their bean bag. If a student is incorrect, they are eliminated.
05mins: Warm Down: Goodbye, see you next time + points