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Course Track:
Year 5
Material Type:
Comparatives and Superlatives
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Teacher Guide

Review that we use comparatives followed by 'than' whereas superlatives are preceded by the article 'the'. Have the students review the spelling rules in the previous worksheets, then complete the sentences. Ask them to read their sentences out loud.

Lesson Plan


24 - Year 5 Lesson plan

10mins: Introduction - Beginner questions 'What's your name, how old are you, where are you from, have you got any brothers or sisters? What's your favourite day of the week? What do you usually do on this day? What's one thing you like? One thing you don't like?

10mins: Review: Superlatives - The superlative is formed by adding 'est' to the end of an adjective. It indicated that something has the 'most' of a group of three or more. Some adjectives change form completely, such as 'good' and 'bad'. Adjectives that have a vowel before the last letter will double the last letter before adding 'est'. (E.g. hottest). Add 'most' in front of Long adjectives. A 'long adjective' is an adjective with three or more syllables. Write some examples on the board.

20mins: Activity: Comparing characters. Each student designs their own 'crazy character' for a competition. After, take all the drawings and tape them to the blackboard. Brainstorm competition categories with the class. (E.g. most intelligent, fastest, fattest, most beautiful, etc.) Then have students 'vote' for each category. Collect the votes and have a ceremony, revealing which character has won which category.

15mins: Worksheet: page 25 superlatives - finish for homework.

05mins: Warm Down: Goodbye + points. Pack up supplies, help students prepare to leave and straighten out the classroom.


  1. older
  2. younger
  3. fatter than Mr. Burns
  4. shorter than Marge
  5. Maggie is smaller than Bart.
  6. Homer is taller than Selma.
  7. Selma is shorter than Mr. Burns.
  8. Comic book guy is bigger than Homer.
  9. Mr. Burns is the tallest.
  10. Maggie is the shortest.
  11. Mr Burns is the oldest.
  12. Maggie is the youngest.
  13. Comic Book Guy is the biggest.
  14. Maggie is the smallest.
  15. Comic Book Guy is the fattest and Homer is the loudest.
  16. Mr Burns is the richest and thinnest.
  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3
  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3