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Course Track:
Year 5
Material Type:
Posessive Pronouns
Introducing yourself
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Teacher Guide

Explain that in traditional Maori art (such as in carving and tattoos), symbols are used to depict a family tree and/or history. For example, certain symbols represent siblings are the number will match how many siblings that person has. Help the students to choose parts of the drawing to represent family members and/or pets, and colour it to highlight the choices. The students should be free to include whichever family members they like. Be sensitive to students who may have non-traditional families and those who are only children - encourage that 'family' can be defined in many ways and they can include friends and pets if they like. They should label the different parts of their picture with family words, to practice writing them out.

Lesson Plan


28 - Year 5 Lesson plan

10mins: Introduction - Beginner questions 'What's your name, how old are you, where are you from, have you got any brothers or sisters? What's your favourite day of the week? What do you usually do on this day? What's one thing you like? One thing you don't like?

  • Extension: Have students write two questions using 'wh' question words. Then, students trade papers with a classmate and write the responses to their questions.

10mins: Review: Superlatives - Have students stand in a circle. Use two different coloured bean bags. Indicate that one colour means the 'comparative' and the other colour means the 'superlative'. Say an adjective, and toss the bean bags to two different students. They must say either the comparative or superlative of the adjective you've said, depending on the colour of the bean bag. If a student is incorrect, they are eliminated.

10mins: Review: Family words - students must ask a classmate one question about their family.

10mins: Worksheet: page 29 - family tree

15mins: Family tree - students complete a family tree craft. They will draw their immediate family, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Students will present their 'family tree' to the class. Each student in the lesson will be required to ask one question per presentation. (E.g. how old is your cousin/ what's your grandma's favourite food, etc. you can award points for the most creative questions.)

05mins: Warm Down: Goodbye + points. Pack up supplies, help students prepare to leave and straighten out the classroom.


Check the spelling of the labels.

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  • Item 1
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