To start, review what the colours are and point out what colours people are wearing. Put chairs in a circle, enough so that each student has their own chair. Hold up a colour card, and have all those who are wearing that colour swap seats. After the students become comfortable, take one seat away after calling the colour so that someone will not have a seat after swapping. That person is then out. Play until there is a winner.
To start, review what the colours are and point out what colours people are wearing. Put chairs in a circle, enough so that each student has their own chair. Hold up a colour card, and have all those who are wearing that colour swap seats. After the students become comfortable, take one seat away after calling the colour so that someone will not have a seat after swapping. That person is then out. Play until there is a winner.
To start, review what the colours are and point out what colours people are wearing. Put chairs in a circle, enough so that each student has their own chair. Hold up a colour card, and have all those who are wearing that colour swap seats. After the students become comfortable, take one seat away after calling the colour so that someone will not have a seat after swapping. That person is then out. Play until there is a winner.